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when i finally arrived on campus, i was in for a surprise. in fact, i was stunned. i had never before in my life felt poor. as a scholarship student, suddenly, i was surrounded by people who were so astoundingly rich! i was also fascinated by this and other differences – different faiths, politics, ethnicities, and culture.

and sure, at times it was uncomfortable. there were many moments i just wanted to turn around and go back home to my mothersquo;s warm embrace – and also her great home cooking!

and like every one of you…every one of you, i made the best, most important choice of my life: i would pick up the threads of differences to weave myself a new community.

this would become my cause, my mission, my identity. i had found my purpose, rooted in beloved community.

i was inspired by the work of dr. martin luther king. he called upon us all to embrace inclusion, love, and justice. he preached the soul force of nonviolent protest.

he warned against the perils of tribalism, of clinging to the familiar and holding sacred the status quo.

king famously addressed his…go ahead…he famously addressed his letter from a birmingham jail not to his jailers, but to his fellow clergymen.

he challenged them to reject the status quo. in kingsquo;s words, we find the essence of beloved community, recognizing that: injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.








我们忘不了,忘不了同窗的浓浓情谊。同窗就像我们的兄弟姐妹,我们悲欢与共,风雨同舟, 即使以后各奔天涯,我们也将心心相连,情意相牵。










distinguished leadership:

hello, i'm very glad to come to your company for an interview, i can't wait to want to sell you myself! my name is * * *, in june this year will be graduated from * * * * * university.

this four years, i always believe that good good study, take an active part in activities to enrich their lives, a former minister of school students * *, the class learning committee member, and has won the school outstanding director-general.

as a graduating college students, my social experience is insufficient, but at the same time i also is a piece of blank paper. i am committed to the professional work, because this is my hobby, i study hard on professional course, explore problems is often a bubble in the library all day long, though not very rich practical experience, but i hope his future job that i can give full play to my thoughts. on learning work, attitude to life, i adhere to the calm attitude, the principle of honest effort, i have a strong dedication and sense of responsibility, can make i can face any difficulties and challenges.

please believe positive i, perhaps i'm not the best, but i definitely is a member of the efforts to run. i believe that running can shine!


below is cooksquo;s full speech from tulane university on saturday.

hello tulane! thank you president fitts, provost forman, distinguished faculty, other faculty [laughs], and the entire tulane family, including the workers, ushers, [and] volunteers who prepared this beautiful space. and i feel duty-bound to also recognize the hard-working bartenders at the boot. though they're not here with us this morning, i'm sure some of you are reflecting on their contributions as well. [the boot is a popular college bar right next to tulane's campus which has been around for decades.]

and just as many of you have new orleans in your veins, and perhaps your livers, some of us at apple have new orleans in our blood as well. when i was a student at auburn, the big easy was our favorite getaway. it's amazing how quickly those 363 miles fly by when you're driving toward a weekend of beignets and beer. and how slowly they go in the opposite direction. apple's own lisa jackson is a proud tulane alum. yes. she brought the green wave all the way to cupertino where she heads our environment and public policy work. we're thrilled to have her talent and leadership on our team.

ok, enough about us. let's talk about you. at moments like this, it always humbles me to watch a community come together to teach, mentor, advise, and finally say with one voice, congratulations to the class of 20xx!


now there's another very important group: your family and friends. the people who, more than anyone else, loved, supported, and even sacrificed greatly to help you reach this moment. let's give them a round of applause. this will be my first piece of advice. you might not appreciate until much later in your life how much this moment means to them. or how that bond of obligation, love, and duty between you matters more than anything else.

in fact, that's what i really want to talk to you about today. in a world where we obsessively document our own lives, most of us don't pay nearly enough attention to what we owe one another. now this isn't just about calling your parents more, although i'm sure they'd be grateful if you did that. it's about recognizing that human civilization began when we realized that we could do more together. that the threats and danger outside the flickering firelight got smaller when we got bigger. and that we could create more — more prosperity, more beauty, more wisdom, and a better life — when we acknowledge certain shared truths and acted collectively.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
