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技能目标 skill goals

talk about shakespeare and his plays

learn to recount detail in conversation

review direct and indirect speech

rite a short play

ii. 目标语??


stating one’s views

correct me if i’m wrong, but…

one of the most important facts is…

as far as i know…

you shouldn’t forget that…

you could, for example, …

after all,…

what shouldn’t be forgotten is…

the way i would go about it…

but in this particular case…


1. 四会词汇

merchant, crown, deny, mercy, enemy, reasonable, weakness, judgement, gentleman, greeting, envy, troublesome, requirement, declare, merciful, bless, legal, deed, surgeon, court, justice, therefore, kindness, punish, punishment, order, sword, complex

2. 认读词汇

venice, hamlet, romeo, juliet, troilus, cressida, uneasy, bassanio, antonio, portia, shylock, duke, masterpiece, revenge, ducat, fate, scale, bellario, tragedy

3. 词组

pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as i know, tear up, at the mercy of, go down on one’s knees

4. 重点词汇

merchant, mercy, accuse, declare, fortune, bargain, worthy, consequence


review direct and indirect speech


you might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.

if you offered me six times what you have just offered, i would still take my pound of flesh.

shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show none? p67

to do a great right, do a little wrong and in that way we can save antonio. p68

if shylock cuts deep enough, i’ll pay him back with all my heart. 68

all he wanted was justice. p71

the 1st period speaking

step 1 revision

check the homework

1. check the students’ writing.

2. check if the students have found some information about shakespeare.

step 2 warming up

get the students to work together to talk about the quotations, the pictures and the plays of shakespeare.

no 1 comes from hamlet and its meaning is being terribly upset and undecided.

no2 comes from king henry Ⅳ and its meaning is that a person who has great responsibility, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.

no 3 comes from hamlet. it means that it’s best not to lend money to other people and not to borrow from other people.

no 4 comes from romeo and juliet and its meaning is why my lover romeo is from a family that has a long feud (世仇,不和) with mine.

no 5 comes from troilus &cressida and its meaning is empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

step 3 speaking

encourage students to discuss the two situations using the useful expressions

step 4 talking (on p138)

get the students to talk about the picture, and then do the two tasks according to the instruction.

after some practice, the teacher can ask some pairs to act their play out in front of the whole calss.

step 4 homework

learn the new words by heart.

the 2nd period listening

step 1 revision

ask some pairs to act out their play

step 2 listening

listen to the tape and do part 1 and 2

students are asked to read fast the questions and then listen to the tape twice to answer the questions.

step 3 listening (2) (wb p137)

step 4 homework.

listen to the materials again after class.

preview the reading.

the 3rd period reading

step 1 lead-in

task: ask students to retell the main characters of the merchant of venice and their relationship according to the listening part.

step 2 pre-reading

talk about the picture to arouse the students’ interest in reading the play.

step 3 while-reading

get students to analyze the characters, finding out some details and explaining the deeper meaning of some puns and symbols.

deal with some language points if possible:

1. you might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. p67

2. if you offered me six times what you have just offered

3. shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show me none?

step 4 post-reading:

listen to the tape and then finish the post-reading ex on p44-45.

step 4 homework

preparations: language study on p 69 and vocabulary on p139-140.

the 4th period grammar

step 1 revision

check the homework.

step 2 word study and vocabulary

check the answers orally.

step 3 grammar

revise the direct and indirect speech.

step 4 homework

review the rules of the direct and indirect speech; read the passage on p71-72.

the 5th period extensive reading

step 1

check the homework

step 2 listening and fast reading

step 5 reading

p142 extensive reading.

go through the questions on p142, and listen to the tape and answer the questions

step 6 homework

review what we’ve learned in this period and prepare for the writing task.

the 6th period writing

step 1 revision

step 2 pre-writing

how to write a short play:

read about romeo and juliet on p142-143.

step 3 writing (1)

write a short passage about romeo & juliet.

read some sample essays and give comments on them.

step 4 homework

check your writings with the other groups.


1.a healthy diet健康饮食;

a balanced diet平衡的饮食

2.in different way用另外方式

3.most often最经常

4.feel frustrated感到沮丧

5.by lunchtime到午餐时间

6.must have happened一定发生过

7.at the end of the street在街道的尽头

8.be tired of 厌倦

9.be amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇

10.throw away扔掉

11.get away with 逃脱

12.tell lies说谎

13.energy-giving food提供热量的食物

body-building foods提供营养的食物

14feel fit保持精力旺盛

15.the weakness of the diet饮食的弱点

the strength of the diet饮食的优点

16.do some research into做一些...方面的研究

17.earn one’s living谋生

18.be in debt负债

19.glare at怒视

20.move round绕过

21.spy on在暗中侦察;打探

22.upset sb.使......不安

23.look ill 感到不舒服feel sick感到恶心

24.heavy food不易消化的食物

25.chat(ting) about聊起关于......

26.serve with用......配

27.rather than而不是

28.cut down减少

29.before long不久




① 介词或副词选择错误:这种情况极为复杂,各种情况都有可能。这里只提供几组作为参考:before / ago, among / between, after / in, below / under, on / above / over, across / through, except / besides, with / in(用), to / for (对于), like / as 等。

② 连词选择错误或连词与介词混淆。如:because / for(since, as), if / whether, if / unless, so as / so that, hardly … when / no sooner… than, while / when, till / until等。

③ 感叹句用词选择错误:how / what。

④ 冠词选择错误:a / an, a (an) / the。


① 名词词形错误:名词的单复数形式,特别注意不规则名词的复数形式;名词的所有格,特别注意不规则复数名词的所有格,如:the children’s;名词所有格的绝对形式。如:my son is older than my elder brother’s.

② 动词词形错误:不规则动词的过去式、过去分词形式错误,特别注意几组易于混淆的词,如:lie(躺) / lie(说谎) / lay;hang(挂) / hang(绞死);find / found(建立);fall / fell(砍倒);bear(忍受) / bear(生育)等的过去式与过去分词。非谓语动词用法的选择,特别是充当状语、表语、定语或宾语补足语时是用过去分词还是现在分词(取决于主语、名词中心词与宾语的关系);在 to 后是用不定式还是动名词(取决于to是介词还是小品词);以及在并列结构中后面动词的形式,必须与第 1 个动词保持一致。谓语动词时态形式的选择,是现在时还是过去时还是其他时态;情态动词和 will(would), shall (should) 等助动词后面的动词形式的选择(只能用原形)。

③ 形容词与副词词形错误:是用原级、比较级还是级,是加 more, most 还是加 -er, -est 构成比较级和级。

④ 词性选择错误:不同的词性充当不同的句子成分,要注意实词的词性是否适合其功能,不符合则应换用适当的派生词。其中特别要注意:连系动词后常用形容词充当表语,而不用副词。如:he feels cold. 作状语用副词,而不用形容词。如:he works well.



accept / receive, alive, living / lively, allow / let, alone / lonely, aloud / loudly, already / yet / still, also / too / either, number / amount / quantity, answer / reply, asleep / sleepy / sleeping, bring / take / fetch / carry, clothes / clothing, deep / deeply, cost / spend / take / pay, hard / hardly, high / highly, job / work, late / lately, lend / borrow, raise / rise, say / speak / tell / talk, sit / seat, sound / noise / voice









1、复习问候语(goodafternoon boys and girls )

2、小朋友相互问好!(goodafternoon miss zhang)




t :what is this?


t :what is this?


t :what is this?




1、教师模仿小猫的动作和声音走出来“meow meow meow”,问幼儿是哪个小动物,引导幼儿回答回答“cat”,教师出示“cat”卡片并贴在黑板上。

2、在黑板上写出字母“c”,引导幼儿读出{si:},问幼儿“where is letter c”,幼儿在“cat”卡片中找出字母“c”。




3、教师用魔法棒点击字母卡片的“cat”,让幼儿反复跟读,并模仿小猫“meow meow meow”的叫声。

4、教师用魔法棒点击书本上的“c is for cat c c c”念谣,让幼儿跟着魔法棒一起唱出。



2、教师请幼儿把小猫送回家,边走边唱“c is for cat c c c”(cat cat cat,go go go),在说唱中结束本堂英文活动。




本单元的中心话题是good manners,这是一个亘古及今且永恒的话题。但在我们这一单元中,good manners 都有些什么内容呢?中外文化中对good manners 的理解、体现有什么异同?我们该怎么做、做什么才能成为一个受人欢迎、具有good manners 的人呢?单元中十一个板块的相关话题的设计及语言材料的选编无不紧紧扣着这个中心。从日常生活中看似虽小但能触及心灵的情景及行为,如道歉、书面致谢;东西方餐桌礼仪;域外风俗礼节等,都作了详尽的诠释,所有这些为我们提供的不仅是充实的英语语言知识和综合语言运用技能训练的内容,更重要的是学生学习这一单元的整个过程也是他们陶冶情操、规范行为、发展心智的过程,这对他们身心的发展会产生较强的感染作用,有助于他们人文素养的整体提高和跨文化意识的加强。

“热身”(warming up)部分设计了学生学习生活中及日常生活中经常发生的四幅画面:上课迟到、打断别人说话、排队买饭时不小心雨伞戳着别人、商店里排队付款一男士推开两顾客从他们中间穿过,顾客生气质问男士。让学生学会道歉,学会讲礼貌。这部分的目的是,引出中心话题good manners,帮助学生明白讲礼貌会使我们人际之间关系和谐融洽,甚至会化干戈为玉帛;同时复习或学习一些致歉语和必要的答语。

“听力”(listening)部分提供了一段两朋友间的对话,一朋友不打招呼骑走了另一朋友的自行车,并且把它弄丢了。怎么办?当然是道歉。这个听力练习要求学生通过听学会对发生了这种事情后的道歉表达和更高姿态的回响,使道歉者释然。以此了解英语国家人士语言的得体性、思维的方式与习惯表达方法,培养学生跨文化交际的意识。如 “i guess it wasn’t really your fault, was it?” , “ that’s ok. forget it. it was an old bike anyway.”

“口语”(speaking)部分提供的是三组文字情景,要求学生在前面“热身”和“听力”的基础上,以双人对话的活动形式体现情景,训练学生在比较真实的情景中口头表达能力和丰富他们有关道歉的语汇,包括词和句型。充分展示具备good manners者解决问题、处理尴尬场面的风采。

“读前”(pre-reading)部分设计了四个情景:1)at a dinner party, 2)greeting your teacher, 3)receiving your birthday present, 4)paying a visit to a friend’s house, 以小组活动的形式讨论并写下在中国文化中以上情景有礼有节的一些规矩,这一活动的目的是不仅要调用学生已有的直接和间接的体现good manners 的生活经验,加深对我们中国是文明礼仪之邦的认识,而且激活学生的思维,自然过度到下一步的 “reading”--- 西方文化、餐饮礼仪。



“语言学习”(language study)分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分有构词法知识,前缀in-, im-, un-, non- 和练习部分词汇的一篇与课文主题相关的短文。引导学生通过短文提供的生动语境培养自己理解和记忆单词的能力。语法项目是定语从句,这是继前面两单元后第三次出现,不属新的语法知识。非限制性定语从句第一次介入。语法第一部分提供的限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的例句比较和说明,可供学生自主学习,让学生探究发现两种定语从句的不同形式和含义。第二部分着重检验学生运用两种定语从句拓展句子的能力。

“综合技能”(integrating skills)设计了一个很实用的写作任务:写感谢信。这个设计包括读和写。阅读部分的内容是一封感谢信的范例;写作部分的任务是:对老师的帮助、父母的关心支持、朋友的真诚、收到生日礼物等写一封感谢信。通过这一活动,让学生明白对他人的帮助心存感激,无疑是一种美德,一种素养。



二.课时安排:6 课时。

the first period: warming up and listening

the second period: speaking

the third period and fourth periods: pre-reading, reading and post-reading

the fifth period: language study

the sixth period:integrating skills


the first period


to focus on talking about good manners as warming up and listening practice.

to learn to express apologies and responses to apologies.

to arouse students’ interest in learning good manners through various activities in class.

teaching procedures:

i. warming up


1.以旧带新,先入为主,根据学生自己的体验和理解,列举good manners 的事例。

2.知错并向人道歉是good manners 的行为之一。引入道歉用语,借书中情景和额外补充的各种情景反复演练,使学生能将这些礼貌用语娴熟地运用于生活之中。




1. t: we like people with good manners. we don’t like people with bad manners.

well, what are good manners in your opinions? for example,

is it good manners to take your classmate’s bicycle without telling him?

of course it’s ( not) good manners to do…./ that….

group work: make a list of at least four things which are good manners in our daily life.

2. what should we do at least to be good manners if we do something wrong?

making an apology? and how to express your apologies? what expressions do you use to apologize?

(excuse me/ i’m sorry./ i am terribly sorry/ please forgive me...)

3. look at the four pictures in the text. complete the dialogues with proper words according to the situations given.

4. here are some more similar situations. please make similar dialogues in pairs to drill the expressions of apologies.

situation one: you go to the teachers’ office to hand in your homework, but your teacher is talking with one of her colleague. you interrupt them.

situation tw you are late for the school gathering and all your classmates are waiting for you at the bus station. you explain that you had a flat tyre. your classmates forgive you and tell you not to worry.

situation three: when you are walking in the streets, you step onto someone’s toes and this person is a bit angry. he reminds you to be careful next time.

situation four: you are playing basketball and suddenly the ball hit someone passing by. the person is very angry with you.

5. in fact, if you can apologize probably after you do something wrong, others will still have a good impression of you. on the other hand, your proper response to an apology also shows you are a person with good manners.

well, what’s your response to the following apologies?

1) i’m sorry, sam. i stepped on your pen and broke it. i didn’t see it on the floor.

______________________________. ( it’s ok. i have another pen.)

2) i’m sorry, mr. tan, i didn’t complete my homework. i was not feeling well last night.


(are you feeling better now? you may hand in your homework tomorrow.)

6. do you think it good manners to make an apology to people in time if you have done something wrong? please describe the situation last time when you made an apology to others.

what did you say to express your apologies? what was the other’s response?

did he / she accept your apology? do you think him a person with good manners?

why (not)?

ii. listening

1. listening in sb.

遵循step by step 的原则,分听前(pre-listening)、听时(while-listening)和听后(post-listening) 三步走,并设计各个步骤的任务型活动,使整个听力目标明确,中心话题更为突出。

pre-listening: go over the six questions or sentences and guess in pairs if the persons in the listening have good manners or not. why do you think so?

while-listening: answer the questions and complete the six sentences.

post-listening questions:

has anything similar happened to you? what was the situation? how did you deal with it?

do you think you’re a person with good manners? in what ways?

2. listening in wb. p.115

listen to the tape and finish the exercises in it.

the second period


to focus on oral practice --- speaking.

the students are to use the expressions of apologies and possible answers freely through some situations.

they are enabled to solve some simulating problems about good manners and bad manners.

teaching procedures:

i. elicit the expressions of apologies and possible answers through the situations which might happen to the teacher himself / herself.

the teacher is a bitl late for the class.

the teacher carelessly knocks down a student’s booksl on the table.

the teacher blames some student wrongly for not …l

1. t: i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to …. now i apologize for my …

s: oh, that’s all right.


2. t: what do you think of me since i made an apology for what i did?

what if i didn’t apologize to you for what i did?

就老师的行为让学生评说会更加激发学生说的兴趣,还会使学生具备一定的good manners 的尺度标准。同时,为后面学生自己如何表现出文明礼貌、“问题”如何解决作准备。

3. t: what would you do in the following situations, so as to show you have good manners?


ii. role-play: problem solving


survey and interview about relationship between neighbors.

in your group of four, one acts as a journalist, interviewing separately the other three who are neighbors about their relationship in between. each neighbor talks about their good or bad relationship between each other and tells the reasons for it. one or two of the neighbors have some problems, and they can’t get on well with each other. the journalist reports it to the neighborhood committee and they try to solve it.

我们中国人用自己的good manners的尺度标准,处理好邻里之间的关系。世界其他各国对good manners 的尺度标准是否都一样?

iii. discussion p.116

iv. conclusion:

different countries have different standards of good manners. but people all over the world will appreciate those who are kind and helpful to others and the things that are beautiful and true.

the third and fourth periods


to get to know the western table manners.

to learn some useful expressions about table manners.

to compare chinese table manners with western table manners.

teaching procedures:

i. pre-reading tasks:

其目的是激活学生已有的相关背景知识,启发学生思维和想象,活跃课堂气氛,使学生很快融入课堂教学内容。如借助图片或powerpoint, 以小组竞赛的形式复习有关中外餐桌上食物、餐具的一些单词;以小组讨论的形式重温文明礼仪之邦的中国在待人接物、餐桌礼仪方面的独特习俗;最后聚焦于西方的餐桌礼仪。三项任务一步一步地扣上下一步的阅读内容。



1.to be, or not to be -that is the question.


这句话是莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的一个名句。意为“to live or not to live-that is the question.对于这种名句名言类的,在平时写作中可以采用仿似的修辞手法,给人印象深刻。根据家喻户晓的成语或谚语,临时更换其中的某个部分,造成新的成语或谚语;或者根据古今名言警句,在保持其原句不变的情况下,更换其中部分词语,这种修辞方式叫仿似。

eg. to lie or not to lie-the doctor’s dilemma.


to do it or not to do it is not the only question.


2.uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.



eg. gone are the days when we used “foreign oil”.


present at the meeting were the scientists, who came from different countries.


②(lie在此用作系动词,表示“处于某种状态”,它的过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain.)

eg. the machine lay idle all week.这机器整整一周没有开动。

the dust has lain undisturbed for years. 尘土积在那儿很多年了。


eg. he’s wearing a new coat. 他穿着一件新大衣。

does your brother wear glasses?你的弟弟戴眼镜吗?

he wears his hair very short.他留着短发。

she wears a string of pearls around her neck.



eg. she wore an angry expression.她面带笑容。

i have worn my socks into holes.我的袜子已磨出洞来了。

3. “romeo, romeo, why are you romeo? deny your father, and refuse your name”


deny(denied, denied, denying)作为及物动词,表示“否认,不承认;不给,不准;(正式)抛弃,背弃”讲。它后面可接名词,动名词和宾语从句。

eg. can you deny the truth of his statement?


he denied telling me/that he had told me.


i was denied the chance of going to college.


he has denied his country and his principles!


4.what must antonio give shylock if he can’t pay back the debt?


pay back意为“还钱给某人”,主要句型有pay sb. back(sth) 和pay sth back.例如:

i’ll pay him back with all my heart. 我将用我的生命向他偿还。

have you paid me back the money you owe me yet?


pay back还表示“惩罚,报复”。例如:

i’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.



pay for sth.为某事吃苦头或受惩罚

pay off带来好结果

pay sb off付清工资予以解雇;贿赂某人

pay sth. off全部偿还

pay sth. out(按时)为某事付巨款

pay up付清全部欠款

eg. the home team paid dearly for their defensive errors.


the gamble paid off.赌赢了。

pay off the crew of a ship 付清全部船员工资并予以解雇

pay off one’s debts, a loan, a mortgage还清债务、贷款、抵押款

i had to pay out £200 to get my car repaired!


we’re paying out £300 a month on our mortgage.


i’ll take you to court unless you pay up immediately.


5.what makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.



②people of different ages 表示所属关系“属于的”;

a girl of ten十岁的女孩儿

a child of strange appearance 外貌奇特的孩子

an item of value一件值钱的物品

③in modern times指“当代”。time 表示“时期,时代”常用复数。

in ancient times 在古代;in the time of queen victoria 在维多利亚女王时代

6.but when the roles are turned around, it is shylock who must beg the duke to save his life.


①turn around在这里指“(方针、立场等)转变”。

②“it is shylock who”为强调句式,本句强调的是主语部分。注意强调句的特点是去掉it is/was和that,剩余部分经过整理后整个句子仍然成立。

③beg sb. to do sth.意为“恳求或祈求某人做某事物”。例如:

i beg you not to take any risks.我恳求你不要冒险。

7.what would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?


②in one’s power意为“在某人的掌握之中,任由某人摆布”

the enemy is in our power.


8.we can find several such ideas in shakespeare’s play.


在ideas这个中心名词前有两个限定词修饰。限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。限定词包括:①冠词 ②形容词性物主代词 ③名词所有格 ④形容词性指示代词 ⑤所有格关系代词 ⑥所有格疑问代词 ⑦形容词性不定代词 ⑧基数词和序数词 ⑨倍数词和分数词 ⑩量词。限定词可分为:①前位限定词②中位限定词 ③后位限定词。个别限定词有跨类现象,如本句such既属予前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词。当与冠词a, an连用时属于前位限定词,例如:such a suit; 当与some, any, all, few, another, other, many, several, one, two等词搭配时属于后位限定词,即such要放在这些词之后,例如:many such books, no such car。

9.have mercy on antonio, shylock.



①have mercy on/upon sb./sth.=show mercy to sb/sth表示“对表示同情;对有怜悯之心”

②at the mercy of sb./sth任由某人或某事摆布

③throw oneself on sb’s mercy恳求某人宽恕/善待

eg. she has mercy on little animals. 她怜悯小动物。

they showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人毫不仁慈。

his life shall be at the mercy of the duke.


the ship was at the mercy of the storm.


he threw himself on my mercy.他求我宽恕他。

10.i’ve promised to take my pound of flesh.


①promise作为及物动词,常接的结构有promise to do sth; promise sb. to do sth; promise后接双宾语和promise接从句。

eg. i never promised to obey her commands.


his pareats promised him to buy a new bike.


she promised me a gift for my birthday.


he promised that he would come.



flesh通常指人或动物身上的肉,也可指供食用的兽类的肉(区别于鱼或禽的肉)。meat 指供食用的肉类的总称,通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉。

eg. you’re losing flesh.你瘦了。

lions are flesh-eating animals. 狮子是肉食动物。

i like meat while my sister likes fish.


注意:meat 是供食用的肉类的总称,猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等各有其专门名称,即pork, beef, mutton

11. it’s useless trying to argue with shylock.


it’s useless doing= it’s no use doing表示“做没有用处”


it is no use learning without thinking.学而不思则罔。

it’s no good crying over spilt mick.覆水难收。

12.you might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.


①might as well表示给人提出建议时的常见的短语,意为“不妨好,还是好。”

i might as well tell you the truth.


②go stand upon sth.表示“去站在上面”。例如:

would you please go stand upon that board?


he dare not go stand upon that high tower.


13. pass judgement on me and give shylock what he wants.


pass judgment on sb.表示“对某人宣判”。

eg. when will the judge pass judgement on that woman?


the court will not pass judgement on him until next sunday.


14. if you offered me six times what you have just offered, i would still take my pound of flesh.




eg. the young man offered the old man his own seat.(offer sb. sth.)


i offered him fifty thousand dollars for the house.(offer sb. money for sth.)


he offered to lend me some books.(offer to do)




a is three times the size(height, length, width, etc) of the old one.

the new building is four times the size(the height) of the old one.


this street is four times the length(the width) of that one.


the size(the height) of the new building is four times that of the old one.

这座新楼的大小(高度)是那座旧楼的四倍。(由于句首已用了the size, the height, 所以在four times后面用代词that来代替,以避免重复。)

(2)a is three times as big(high, long, wide, etc) as b

asia is four times as large as europe.


this box is three times as heavy as that one.


(3)a is three times bigger (higher, longer, wider)than b

the meeting-room is three times bigger than our office.



the room is twice the size of that one.= this room is twice as big as that one.


our total income of was double of .


15.how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?


①when 在此处引导一个条件状语从句


eg. hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


we are hoping for better weather soon.


16.i desire my pound of flesh.

desire 是及物动词,意为“渴望,要求,期望”。后面可接名词(代词)、动词不定式及从句作宾语。

eg. all of us desire better life and more education.


we always desire to live in peace with our neighbour.


mr wang desires that you should go to the teacher’s office at once.



eg. at the desire of the teacher, we should finish our homework on time.按照老师的要求,我们应该准时完成作业。

17. i do not envy you your job. this is a most troublesome case.


①envy sb. sth表示“羡慕某人,嫉妒某人”。

i envy you very much.我真羡慕你。

she envies me my good health.她羡慕我身体好。

②a most+adj.= a very + adj.表示“一个很的”。

the most+形容词最高级表示“最之意”,这时句末一定要有表达范围的介词of或in.

eg. dalian is a most beautiful coastal city.


this is a most enjoyable party.这是一次令人极为愉快的晚会。

she worked out the most difficult problem of the three.


mary is the most beautiful girl in our class.


18.what are you accused of ?你因什么而受到起诉?

accuse sb. of sth. 意为“因控告人,告发,指责人”

eg. the police accused him of theft.警方控告他偷窃。

he was accused of murder. 他被控谋杀。

she accused him of being late.她指责他迟到。

19.let me tear up this paper.让我们这张借条撕了吧。

句中的tear up的意思是“撕毁”

eg. she tore up all the letters he had seut her.


tear up可以引申为“不履行”。

eg. he accused his secretary of tearing up the agreement.


tear down意为“弄倒,拆除”。

eg. they are tearing down those old house to build a new office block.


20.antonio, get ready and offer up your breast.


offer up 在本句中意为“奉献”,主要用于表示向上帝或神祭献某人或某物。例如:

she offered up a prayer to god for her husband’s safe return.


21.i declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.



eg. america declared war on iraq last year.


they declared him(to be) the winner.


he declared that he had nothing to do with the matter.


she was declared(to be) guilty. 已宣判她有罪。

22.he agreed to lend antonio the money on one condition.



on this/that condition在这种或那种情况下

on what condition 在什么情况下

on no condition无论什么情况都不

in condition健康良好

out of condition身体不佳

on condition that是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“只有在条件下”(=only if),“条件是”。

eg. you may borrow this book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是不能再借给别人。

ability and effort are conditions of success.


on this condition you may go home earlier.


on what condition will you agree with me?


he can’t climb the mountain because he is out of condition.


23.he is young, but i never knew so young a body with so wise a head.他很年轻,但是我过


在一个名词词组中,不定冠词a/an通常用在形容词的前面。如a serious mistake。但是,如果形容词前面有so, too, how时,a/an 就该放在形容词后面,其结构是“so/too/how+adj+a/an+n.”。能够构成这种结构的名词必须是单数可数名词。

eg. did you notice that you have made so serious a mistake?


it’s too difficult a book for beginners.


how wonder ful a plan it would be! 那该是一个多么好的计划啊。

试比较:he is so good a teacher that we all like him.= he is such a good student that we all like him.

练一练:用so, such填空

1.__________ big a city 2._____________ a pretty girl

3.__________ good students 4._____________fine weather

5.__________many books 6._____________much water

7.__________ little food 8._____________ few oranges


1. so 2. such 3. such 4. such 5. so 6. so 7.so 8. so

24.you want justice, so you get justice, more than you wanted.


shall 在此处用于第二人称,表示说话人的允诺,意思是“可以”。

在本剧的最后还有:everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. one half of his money and his goods shall be givenand the other half shall be given两句中的shall用于第三人称,表示法令、规章等中的规定,意思是“必须”。shall 用于第二、三人称,还表示决心、命令、警告、要求、义务等。

eg. he shall answer for his misdeeds.他应当为他的错误行为负责。

you shall have a nice present for your birthday.


nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan.



eg. shall we go now?我们现在走可以吗?

she he come in?可以让他进来吗?

25.therefore, go down on your knees and beg the duke for mercy.


①go down on one’s knees 的意思是“跪下”、“屈膝”。

they will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.


②beg for意为“乞求,请求”

he went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.


26.my money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.


dear 在此处的意思是“珍贵的”

he lost everything that was dear to him.



27.shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.


①句中的upon 等于on,表示“就在某时或某场合之后。”例如:

upon my arrival home i found there was something strange.


on asking for information i was told i must wait.


②leave sth. to sb.表示“将某事物遗赠给某人;死后留下某物给某人”

leave all one’s money to charity把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业。

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
